Architecture. Instagram and website, Kristapsons and Laing, 2021, terms and explanation.
The glossary is on Instagram, and background about the glossary on a webpage. This is a collaboration between Adolfs Kristapsons, an architect who graduated in 2020, and Chris Laing, RCA graduate. The glossary was developed through workshops with other deaf practitioners, with support from Dr Kate Rowley, a linguist from DCAL.
Link (Instagram) - Glossary
Link - (webpage) - Background
Computing science (includes databases, software development, web development, etc.). Website and app, Scottish Sensory Centre (SSC), 2007 to date, terms and explanation.
See the parent site - Glossaries related to the STEM subjects for more information.
Link – Computing science
Cyber security. Website and app, Scottish Sensory Centre (SSC), 2007 to date, terms and explanation.
See the parent site - Glossaries related to the STEM subjects for more information.
Link - Cyber Security
Data science (includes data analysis and data visualisation, etc.). Website and app, Scottish Sensory Centre (SSC), 2007 to date, terms and explanation.
See the parent site - Glossaries related to the STEM subjects for more information.
Link - Data Science
Media. Website, TechTheatreBSL, 2021, terms and explanation.
It is not clear how the The Sign Language Media Glossary for Mobile Devices glossary was developed.
through collaboration between subject experts, BSL translators and interpreters, and practitioners, and is simply beautiful.
The glossary is for BSL and 4 other European sign languages.
Link - Technical Theatre Glossary
Technical theatre (i.e., backstage). Website, TechTheatreBSL, 2021, terms and explanation.
This glossary was developed through collaboration between subject experts, BSL translators and interpreters, and practitioners, and is simply beautiful.
Link - Technical Theatre Glossary