A glossary of key terms that are used in the UK related to domestic, sexual and gender-based violence (DSGBV). Webpage, Justisigns 2 project, 2023, terms and explanation
This glossary contains 33 key terms, providing the term, the definition, and a suggested sign (more than one sign or combination of signs). The glossary was developed with deaf and hearing communication professionals, people who had interpreted or experienced DSGBV, and the police.
Link - A glossary of key terms that are used in the UK related to domestic, sexual and gender-based violence (DSGBV)
BSL vocabulary around abuse. Webpage, Deaf-initely Women, 2021, terms and explanation
A glossary with vocabulary around abuse, with all the clips signed by one person. There is no information on how the glossary was made, and whether the signs are as used or have been created. From the ‘abuse’ and ‘abuse types’ tabs you can find deeper explanations in BSL about what abuse is, and kinds of abuse.
Link - BSL vocabulary around abuse
Health information in BSL. Covering topics from cancer and depression to types of abuse. Website, Sign health, no dates given
This is not a glossary; however, it is resource that can be used to develop our understanding of an area, key concepts, and the BSL used to describe and discuss these. The resource is divided into four categories: Your Mind, Your Body, Domestic Abuse, and First Aid.
Link - The video library main page